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Complete List Glossary of Terms In Internet and the insight

Words barasal terms of absorbed words from foreign languages, and has become the term used for the progress of electronic technology internet internet Indonesia. term internet mostly from American English, because they have the most extensive internet vocabulary.

Terms if the internet sometimes interpreted to Indonesian seem odd not having a relationship like cookies for example if translated means bread. below is the internet term that may be necessary for you to know:

  • Archie: Tools for the indexer's contained in the FTP archives, allowing people to do a specific search. Implementation of the first written by Alan Emtage and J. Peter Deutsch in 1990.
  • Bandwidth: The term bandwidth often you hear the waves or radio. Bandwidth is used as a measure of the ability of a network to menteransfer data at a certain period.
  • BITNET: Technically, BITNET is a network of point-to-point "store and forward". In this case an email message from a computer gradually transmitted from one server to another server until it arrives at the destination computer.
  • Banner: Media information is usually in the form of images to display image ads on a web page
  • Chat: is a facility to send and receive messages in real-time form of writing
  • Chatting: The term that is used when interacting with the chat facility
  • Client: A computer that is in charge of receiving the data and information that has been processed by the server are required by the user. Client usually in controlled / used by a user. 
  • Dial-up: This type of Internet connection that uses the telephone network
  • Dial-up Networking: network facilities owned by microsoft oprasi system.
  • Download: is a process of transfer or retrieval of data from the internet to a computer in the store
  • E-Commerce: is a term in use for trading or banking transactions on the Internet.
  • Domain Name: special name to indicate a web address on the internet.
  • E-Mail: A facility to send message / receive messages in different forms of writing with no e-mail chat in realtime
  • FTP: File transfer protocol is a protocol (interface) which is used to transfer, send or receive files from the internet.
  • Freeware: Program that placed the internet and distributed free of charge, each person is allowed to retrieve the file.
  • GIF (Grafical Interchange Format): an image file format. Mepunyai GIF file sizes are small, which is used as a sehinggah many image formats on the internet.
  • Hacker: is the expert in the field of computers, the Internet in particular, with expertise hackers can penetrate, destroy, and do things that are not desirable in a computer network (including the Internet). For example, damage the existing websites, destructive program that's been made by the webmaster, or administrator.
  • Homepage: is the front page or main page of a website displayed on the internet
  • HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language, the language used to make an appearance in the language program
  • H ttp :/ /: http or stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is the code that is written at the start site, to explain the program web browser that protocol (interface) that is used is http.
  • Intranet: the information resource is used for internal purposes of an agency or company using an existing computer network.
  • Internet Explorer: a computer program that used to be able to display the pages available on a website on the internet, which is made by Microsoft Corp..
  • Internet-TV: a TV that can be modified to be used as a media / tools to communicate and interact through the internet.
  • ISP (Internet Service Provider): ISP serves as a provider of Internet connection services. if we aspires computer connected to the internet, then we have to connect our computer to an ISP .
  • JPEG (Joint Photografic Experts Group): Besides GIF, JPEG is an image file which is widely used diiternet, JPG has a smaller file size.
  • Login: authorization by a user to enter a personal page by entering your username and password in a computer network (including the Internet).
  • Logoff: out of a private courtyard in a computer network (including the Internet)
  • Lycos: search engine on the internet which can be used by users to search.
  • Offline: Disconnected or not connected into a network
  • Online: Connect into a network
  • Password: secret code used by the user to be able to authorize a username that he has to be able to enter a personal page on a computer network (including the Internet)
  • Plugin: special programs that may be added to the program which can help webbrowser webbrowser to display animation, interaction programs, a 3D object, a certain well.
  • POP (Post Office Protocol): a protocol used to retrieve e-mail that is stored on a server on the Internet or an ISP.
  • Protocol: the existing rules for the specific task to perform, for example, on the Internet there is a protocol to send messages to another computer, there are protocols that send emai and so on. 
  • Script: is a collection of commands that are arranged in a specific computer language (Java, VisualBasic, CGI / Perl) to perform an interactive program or animation within a webpage.
  • Search Engine: a facility on the internet (some website) that is used to look for specific information that users need.
  • Server: is a computer in the service of sharing and processing of information required by the Client. Servers usually controlled by an admin.
  • Shareware: computer programs on the Internet that can be downloaded and we use within certain period of time, if we want to continue to use it then we have to buy by paying the registration fee.
  • Spam: SPAM is sending a message that does not want such an important chain emails, advertising, and so on.
  • Upload: the process of sending or transfer data from the computer used by the user to a web site on the internet.
  • Usenet: a distributed Internet discussion system globally, roughly a hybrid / combination of email and web forums.
  • User: users or users in a computer (including the Internet).
  • Virus: is a hidden program that can ride on other programs that are on the internet, or on e-mail, which is very detrimental to the user that the program could damage other programs on a computer or website.
  • Veronica: The search engine for the Gopher protocol, created in 1992 by Steven Foster Fred Barrie at the University of Nevada.
  • Voice-mail: same as with e-mail but sent instead of text, but rather in the form of sound.
  • WAP: Wireless Application Protocol, is a facility on the mobile phone that can be used to run certain applications that connect to the internet. With WAP you can use the Internet not only to receive and send phone, even for calendars, schedules, and drawings.
  • WAIS: Wide Area Information Servers or WAIS is a text search system that uses a client-server standard ANSI Z39.50 to search index databases on remote computers.
  • Web browser: a computer program that is used as a medium to surf the internet.
  • Webmaster: one who is responsible for creating and maintaining the website in question.
  • Web page: is a website page that can be displayed on the internet, which can display the form of text, images, and even sound, animations and videos etc..
  • WWW (World Wide Web): a term used in the Internet for early

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