On this occasion, we will give you the little term in the internet . This may be useful for you.When you feel as a beginner in the online world, then you must learn all the things that have anything to do with the internet. For those who have long been familiar with the internet, it may be used and are memorized and understand by heart, but for those of you who are new on the internet, hmm seems no matter how small the information obtained, will surely benefit.
1. Chat or chat
Chat online. You could say that. Activities chat allows you to communicate with other Internet users who are both online. One example yahoo messenger or often abbreviated YM.
2. Password
Easy understanding of the password is the key word. Passwords are usually composed of a combination of a few letters or numbers confidential. Be careful in making and storing passwords that you create to minimize unwanted events, such hacked.Should make a combination of complicated passwords that are not easily penetrated others.
3. Bandwidth or broadband
Definition of bandwidth is a measure of the capacity of a network data transfer. Unit of bandwidth is megabits per second (Mbps) or kilobits per second (Kbps).
4. Upload
Understanding is the process of uploading the data uploaded from your computer to the internet.For example, you can upload your photos to the internet.
5. Download
Upload and download are like two brothers. Download is the opposite of upload. Understanding the process of downloading is downloading or retrieval of data from the internet to be stored in a computer. So, when you are taking a file from the internet, then you're doing the download process.
6. Login
Login is the process of entry into a web page. Usually requires a password login process.
7. Logout
Logout is the process out of a web page. So, is the opposite of login logout.
8. Browser
A browser is a program used to explore the world of internet. With the a browser, then you can open web pages from all over the world on the Internet. Instance of the browser is mozilla firefox,google chrome , internet explorer, opera and so on. .
9. Offline
Understanding offline is our computer in a state not connected to the internet.
10. Online
The opposite of offline, online understanding is the state of our computer connected to the internet
11. Sign up
Sign up is a process of registration / listing. For example, when you do not already have an account on facebook, then you are required to sign up for facebook and can join to enjoy all the features offered facebook. Usually the sign up process involves an email.
12. Email
Email is short for electronic mail or if in Indonesian called electronic mail. Function of the email is to send a message or letter through the Internet.
Well, that's a little important terms in the internet that may not yet know. The more knowledge you have about all things related to the internet, then you will be more smooth in the surf. Read also this info, the function of RAM in a computer . May be useful.
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